Eccentric Emmie’s Adventures (and Woes) in Writing

Emily Alexandra
3 min readApr 18, 2023


Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

I don’t know how many times I’ve mentioned my writing job here (probably about a million times), but I just have so much to say in such little time.

Remember last time when I complained about having to write super long articles about payday loans and the numerous revisions I had to do on them?

Yeah, right after that article was published here, I told the person who assigned me those payday loans articles that I wasn’t the right person for the job. It took about two days for that person to finally stop the madness, and I felt so relieved — like God himself was lifting a huge burden off my back and shoulders. Naturally, you would expect me to work on an article here since I like to publish three a month… right?

Ha ha, God I wish! I only had time to relax for two days (Yes, I’m counting Group Therapy every Tuesday.) before I got assigned more articles. Thankfully, they’ve been short articles with outlines that I can do memorize like the back of my hand, but still. They were due within this week. So, I’d figured I would do one today, one tomorrow, and two the next day. Sounds reasonable, right?

Well, when I woke up this morning and checked my email, I was assigned ANOTHER article, and it wasn’t a short one, either. This one was supposed to be about 1250 words long. So, I had to do two today, I’m going to do two tomorrow, and then I’m going to tackle that big one the next day.

I probably should’ve planned this article out ahead of time (or worked on the one about Sonic the Hedgehog), but I’ve just been so busy to even think!

Besides writing, I’ve also had a social worker help me find jobs (you know, real jobs), and I’ve applied for two remote ones so far. Both jobs I’ve applied for denied my application, so that’s been working out well. Still, I’m hoping I can get one soon enough so that I could earn more money. Also, I’m hoping my grandmother or mother would teach me how to drive because I’ve been recently wanting to do that.

You would think, with all this recent complaining about my writing job, that I hate it, right? Well… it’s got its ups and downs, but believe it or not, I’m actually thankful to have it. Before I got that writing job, I’ve been applying for any and every writing job on, and I can’t count how many times I’ve been rejected.

With this one, I thought it was going to be yet another rejection. But then, on that faithful day in March 2021, I got an email saying my application was approved. I got the job! I was so happy with myself, especially since this was around the time my mother had lost her job working at our city’s water department. I still have the application approval email saved. That’s how proud of myself I am.

It’s been two years since I’ve gotten that writing job, and I’m still surprised I’m still in the game. Sure, it’s got its ups and down, but right now, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Besides, earning any amount of money is better than earning no money, so I’ll take what I can get.

This has been a much more positive ending to my articles than the last two I’ve published here, so maybe things are looking up for me. Who knows? Only time will tell. Right now, I’m going to fix myself some dinner and go to bed early because I’ve got Group Therapy on Tuesday at 11:00 in the morning.

See you guys on the flip side for more of Eccentric Emmie’s writing adventures (and woes)!



Emily Alexandra

Just some autistic person wanting to write and write. I also like to draw and have a cat and dog that are my life. I publish on 8th, 18th, and 28th every month.