I Can’t Believe I’ve Been Writing on Here for a Whole Year…

Emily Alexandra
4 min readAug 18, 2021


Courtesy of me! Enjoy this old selfie!

On August 18th, 2020, I published my very first article on medium.com- Lockdown Skepticism from a Leftist’s Point of View. It’s my most viewed article on here with 241 views as of typing this right now. And believe me, I haven’t finished complaining about how governments all over the world have handled this whole Covid-19 thing. But that’s not the only thing I’ve written about. I mean, come on, I have a life and interests outside of pandemics.

I’ve written about other philosophical and political topics, and I’ve even talked about some of my favorite entertainment shows like Eurovision, Judy Blume, and Total Drama. Hell, I can go as far as to say I’ve written two fictional stories. Why do I write about all these different topics? Well, I have several reasons.

The first reason is that writing is fun. I’ve always wanted to bring my ideas out to the world. It’s fun to observe and learn about the world and what’s going on in it, and it’s fun to make up scenarios in my own little world. It’s also fun to express myself and get my ideas out there. And when I do get my ideas out there, I want to see if there are other people who have the same thoughts as me. Who knows? Maybe I’m the only one who has these certain thoughts and opinions, or maybe hundreds of other people have those same thoughts and opinions like me. I don’t know; there’s almost eight billion people on this planet, so it’s a possibility.

The second reason why I write is because expressing myself is vital. There’s only so much you can bottle up before you eventually snap. I learned that from reading a lot of psychology articles and from going to therapy. Funny thing about that- therapy is actually how I came across Medium in the first place. I wanted to find some websites where someone could get paid to write whatever you wanted to write, and this is the website I’ve found. Of course, I’m not a premium member yet (which is how you make money for writing on this website), but maybe I’ll become brave enough to get a membership soon- or get enough money.

Yeah, since I’m not making any money from my articles, I still had to find a job and make some money for writing. It took a good, long time, and I’ve gotten quite a few rejections, but I finally got my wish on March 14, 2021. Ever since then, I’ve been writing articles about various topics for various clients- much like what I’m doing here. And while I’m not making a whole lot of money from this job, it’s better than nothing. And it’s a bit fun to look up on topics I barely knew anything about.

But money isn’t everything. It’s a big thing, but it’s not the most important part of writing. If it was, then I wouldn’t be into writing in the first place. No, the biggest reason why I write is because I want other people to feel like they’re not alone if they ever have the same thoughts and opinions as I do. Sometimes, I feel like I’m alone in my own thoughts and opinions, so when I look them up and see that others feel the same way, I feel better, like I’m less alone. And yet, these people each have their own unique takes on these thoughts and opinions- just like me. Imagine that… some of us may have the same thoughts and opinions yet have different reasons as to why. Aren’t humans just amazing creatures? I personally think they are.

And there you have it- my reasons for writing. I can’t believe I’ve been on this website for an entire year now. It all just seems so unreal. And even though my articles don’t typically get a whole lot of views, I’m just hoping that I’ve opened up at least one person’s mind. That’s what writing does; that’s what writing is supposed to do. How can I call myself a writer if I have no thoughts and opinions? Yeah, it’s sometimes hard for me to come up with ideas for an article, but I can tough through the writer’s block. I’ve done it before. I know I can do it again. That’s what being a writer about, isn’t it?

So, here’s to you all you writers on medium.com! Good luck to all of you in your writing adventure!



Emily Alexandra

Just some autistic person wanting to write and write. I also like to draw and have a cat and dog that are my life. I publish on 8th, 18th, and 28th every month.