I’ve Haven’t Worked a Saturday This Whole Month…

Emily Alexandra
3 min readNov 19, 2023


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

On November 4th, 2023, I turned 25 years old… and I wasn’t scheduled to work that Saturday. It was a great birthday. I got to relax, I ate some nice food, and I got to spend time with my family.

I was supposed to work the next Saturday, but the library I work at was closed for Veteran’s Day and the Monday after that. Since I wasn’t scheduled to work that Friday, that meant I had a four-day weekend. I relaxed some, wrote some stories, and drew a good bit. It was a grand old time.

The next Saturday, November 18th, I wasn’t scheduled to work then, and well… you know. I’m writing here trying to meet my stupid, arbitrary deadline I’ve set up for myself almost three years ago. Now I’m writing this little article so that I get something published on this day.

So, that would mean I’ll have to work next Saturday, right? Nope! Thanksgiving’s coming, and my library’s closing early Wednesday afternoon. That means I get another four-day weekend to look forward to. More relaxation! More writing! More drawing! What more could a girl ask for?

Surely, I’ll have to work the Saturday after that? No, the Thanksgiving holiday doesn’t count towards our scheduling, so I get that Saturday (the first one in December) off as well. And I’ve stupidly made an appointment to meet my new case manager on the Friday before, where I do have to work. Thankfully, my therapist called to make an appointment on the next Friday I do have off (December 8th), so hopefully things will get settled, and I’ll get a new appointment with the new case manager.

As I sit here writing this article, I’ve only realized recently that I’ve haven’t worked a single Saturday in the month of November. Of course, you lovely people already knew that because that’s the title at the top. Still, it just feels so weird to me.

Am I ever going to work another Saturday? Of course, it’s part of my job. At my library, we’re open from 9:00 to 4:00, and both Saturday and Friday have alternating schedules with staff members. We alternate between those days. It just feels like I haven’t been able to work any Saturdays.

I know this is because of scheduling, but is God giving me a month-long birthday gift because I’ve finally got a full-time job with health insurance and other benefits? Have I just been getting lucky lately? Did I do something to earn this (besides turning 25)? Who knows?

I might not be as lucky next year with the scheduling (if I still have this job by then), but I’m thanking my lucky stars for now. I’m happy to spend Saturday, or Caturday, with my cat and dog. I like having some downtime for myself and not get up early in the morning (No, I don’t get to sleep in on Sundays due to my grandmother’s driving lessons.). It’s nice having some time to myself before heading back to work.

Of course, this isn’t going to last forever. I have to go to work on Saturday when December rolls around, but Christmas is thankfully around the corner, so I’ll some more time to relax then. For now, though, I’m just going to enjoy the rest of my Saturday and relax.



Emily Alexandra

Just some autistic person wanting to write and write. I also like to draw and have a cat and dog that are my life. I publish on 8th, 18th, and 28th every month.